Sunday, October 28, 2012

7 / Minister of internal security and civil protection: General


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BLICK MALI - Another look at Mali (Essay

by Charlotte Wiedemann)"
Bamako (RFI) - 21/08/2012 Interims-chairman Der von Mali, Dioncounda Traor, hat schlielich und seine Regierung umgebildet year diesem Montag, 20. August 2012, das Kabinet "nationalen Einheit" gebildet, das von der der Staaten Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft Westafrikas (ECOWAS) gefördert worden war. Das neue Team rund um den wieder berufenen Premierminister, Cheick Modibo Diarra, besteht aus Ministern 31, 24 in gegenber der Regierung scheidenden.

Diese Neugestaltung markiert Rckkehr die in der Klasse politischen malische die Regierung, Politiker, die aus der ersten Mannschaft Cheick Modibo Diarra ausgeschlossen worden waren. DEUTSCH

(VON MIR etwas VERBESSERTE GOOGLE-BERSETZUNG) WEITER UNTER DER MINISTERLISTE The Mali adopts east lothian council jobs new government finally dun
Bamako (RFI) - 21/08/2012 The prsident the transition

from Mali, Dioncounda Traor, finally Remani and form his government on Monday August east lothian council jobs 20 2012, the national cabinet Dunion exig the Economic Community of the States of West Africa (CADD). The new team formed around the Prime Minister renewed, Cheick Modibo Diarra, is constituted of 31 ministers, against 24 in the outgoing government. This redesign marks the return of the political class Malian east lothian council jobs government, political class that had ruled t OF THE FIRST team of Cheick Modibo Diarra. Foto (c) Maliweb: The Malian Prsident by intrim Dioncounda Traor The scene is not going inaperue: Prime Minister of Mali itself sest made radio- Tv the country to return to the list of journalists the new government. Cheick Modibo Diarra maybe wanted to show that he is an actor and not viewer rest during the formation of the new team. So we can say that he has reinforced its position, east lothian council jobs especially when we know that he was able to keep the new government of the ancient 18 ministers of the 31 team that the new account. Among the six departures east lothian council jobs (for 13 among), two are notable. That the Minister of Communication, Hamadoun Tour, which will probably remain in the history of Mali as the incumbent who has produced the most communiqus in record east lothian council jobs time, crisis obliges North. And that's very discreet Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sadio Lamine Sow. It is a close of President of Burkina Faso, Blaise Compaor. The new head of diplomacy sappelle Timan Coulibaly of Mali. His party is a member of the Front to democracy and the Republic, front anti-coup. There are only four women in the new team, including the head of the Minister of Malians lextrieur loaded, and the Promotion of Women. It should also be noted in the new team, the creation dun Minister of Religious Affairs and Worship, in a country where more than 90% of the population is Muslim. And much better organiss politicians, they could very quickly become referees and masters of the game Finally, a Tuareg made his into the new team. It sagit dOusmane Rhissa Ag, which hrite the Minister

of Tourism and lArtisanat. - Reconqute North and organization dlections - Other education, the main political groupings in reprsents Malian government. However, Sadi, training of opposition east lothian council jobs parliamentarian says no navoir reprsentant in lquipe consists of 31 members. Training dun Dunion national government is a requirement of donors and CADD. Are they happy today? No rponse currently. east lothian council jobs PRIORITIES are two of the new team: the Northern reconqute, where Islamists east lothian council jobs have reinforced their positions. Then The organization dlections free throughout the national territory. Two major DFIS that t THE SUBJECT of lentrevue Monday Paris, between franais Minister of Foreign Affairs, Laurent Fabius and his counterpart Burkinab Bassol Djibril, also arm mdiateur law of CADD. Djibril Bassol silent linvit east lothian council jobs RFI Soir yesterday. He has voqu the project military force CADD Mali. Project stalled. CADD proposed three things: scuriser Bamako and political institutions, helping train the new weapon and intervene in Northern Mali. 2012 RFI GUN: 18 old, 13 new, 2 permutations, and loaded Minister of Religious Affairs and Worship
Bamako east lothian council jobs (The Rpublicain) - 21 August east lothian council jobs 2012 18 former National Government Dunion 13 new permutations And two loaded Minister of Religious Affairs east lothian council jobs and Worship (...) Dcret 2012-461/PRM THE 20 AOUT 2012
7 / Minister of internal security and civil protection: General


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