Friday, October 19, 2012

SIDNEY. The Australian government has defended the departure of Canadians from the Kyoto Protocol.

SIDNEY. The Australian government has defended the departure of Canadians from the Kyoto Protocol. Climate Change Minister Greg Combet, Australian, also said his country would not agree to the extension of the protocol easily. Nevertheless, Australia as Canada continues to strive to reduce the greenhouse gas CO2.
The Canadian government

had yesterday announced a surprise to want to get out of the Kyoto Protocol. The environment ministers liho of the oldest civilizations in the world, Peter Kent, had said on Monday that his country would terminate the contract that expires in 2012, before. Other countries such as Russia and Japan had already advised in the past that they would not renew the contract.
The reason given to the Canadian government that the United States and China are not participating in the Kyoto Protocol. This is based drink is also the fear of fines amounting to 14 billion dollars, which threatened the state because it is the obligation to carbon liho reduction in 2012 is not able to comply.
From the perspective of climate scientists, this is another setback for the risk of global climate warming. On the weekend liho before the climate liho summit in Durban ended without tangible result at the end. (Rg)
("Verbatim" and "quote" and 'italic') "Not to forget: Vive le Québec libre! ... :-) "(Ci-dessous) Eh oui! Vous avez raison! Presque! Similarly, the constant K (r) ampf your TV videttes with English (Goldmen sex, ridicule markets, bed Bänks ...) had our Canadian Anglo-videttes or simply liho misunderstood the Général his statement (to) with strong Anglo-accent parroted. This then was the scandal. Le Général had only shouted "Vive le Québec livre," in hot Sommner '67,

from the balcony of the old bourbon-esque town hall in Montréal. The crowd cheered! Pride and joy! Finally, someone had recognized the name and rank of Quebeck'sche book and thus the local literature due! That the Anglo-videttes would make it a 'Quebec libre', you can not blame the Général. This is just a correction. Merci d'avoir lu.
@ Gabriele Niggenaber If making money with their own expertise automatically liho discredits their own credibility, we could send all the same experts in the desert and with them science and progress. Moreover, if you already imply that climate researchers with the study of climate make their money, then be but please be honest and tell us once, with whom most climate skeptics make their money.

> Dr Schlawa: So I'm counting on the majority opinion of experts and dimensions do not pretend to know things better than people who deal with it full time and every day .... <... and above all make money, even though she was not even a weather report (also air!) can predict 2 days right!! liho So in the custom media also appear always the same anarchists liho who represent the opinion of some custom, dreamy "Gutbürger". Is just like in politics. Just no explanation and certainly no opposition liho permit!
@ Chris Kuhn Well, then I feel even addressed ("Air Whisperer" -'s almost liho flattering). Now, admittedly, I do relatively little to climate change, even as scientists. I follow but - again as a scientist - the opinion of the vast majority by far the experts. There are always skeptics, there are also still "experts" who doubt that the HIV virus causes

AIDS. So I'm counting on the majority opinion of experts and dimensions do not pretend to know things better liho than people who deal with it full time and every day. It's that simple "Canada has committed to under the Kyoto Protocol liho to reduce its CO2 emissions by six percent. The goal was not quite reached, instead, emissions increased by 35% . Canada could soon have to pay $ 14 billion penalty. now falls on the Canadians suddenly that the biggest liho CO2 pigs, USA and China, the Kyoto Protocol has not entered into force. liho Consequently, Canadians now terminate this contract liho anyway only serves any Klimaidiotologen to gain lucrative post. Suffice yes, if by pulling the morons of the FRG this nonsense. This is just like with the NPT. Who is stupid enough to sign the, controlled and subject to sanctions. Advantages for the signer does not exist .... "
The reason liho for dropping out is not about the Canada that Canada's government questioned on anthropogenic climate liho change. Not the fact that Canada already rehabilitated the scientific, not the alleged

"climate deniers" of the Climategate email publication believes. No, the reason is much simpler: 14 Wed

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