Monday, October 29, 2012

In Mali werden mit die Terroristen jedem strker Tag The World - 09/29/2012 all the presidents Cheic

"DIE VON FRAUEN TIMBUKTU SIND GUTE Muslime, ABER OHNE SCHARIA Women Timbuktu are no good Muslim sharia | WAS DIE DREI Bewegungen DIE NORDEN MALIS besetzt HABEN DEN, DER WELT SAGEN WOLLEN statements of the three rebel movements who seized northern

Mali "
In Mali werden mit die Terroristen jedem strker Tag The World - 09/29/2012 all the presidents Cheick Modibo Diarra, 60 Jahre, 17 April ist seit dem der Premierminister malischen bergangsregierung, die nach dem der Rckzug Putschisten gebildet wurde. Er kommt eben zurck aus New York, wo er am Rande der A die-Vollversammlung UNO frmlich um eine militrische Intervention gebeten all the presidents hat, um den Norden zurckzuerobern, von der seit 6 Monaten bewaffneten islamistischen Gruppen kontrolliert wird. Wie Sie wollen die malische Souvernitt zurckgewinnen? DEUTSCH (IN EINER WUNDERSCHNEN BERSETZUNG VON unserem Treuen all the presidents LESER WILFRIED HOFFER) WEITER UNTER DEM ORIGINAL In Mali, every day, the terrorists reinforce
THE WORLD 09/29/2012 Interview parChristophe Chtelot Cheick Modibo Diarra, 60, on April 17, Prime Minister of the transitional government of Mali instaur APRS removal of the military all the presidents junta. He returned to New York where, alongside lAssemblegnrale UN has formally demand lONU international military intervention to reconqurir northern Mali contrl six months by Islamist groups arms.
Foto (c) AFP / JEFF ZELEVANSKY: Cheick Modibo Diarra, Malian Prime Minister, the tribune of lAssemblegnrale lONU, New York, September 26 Der der Rednerpult malische Premierminister am A-Generalversammlung am in New York 26.09.2012 How will vousrtablir the sovereignty all the presidents of Mali? Cheick Modibo all the presidents Diarra: We dfini stratgie one in five points. Must, ds now begin scuriser cities of Mali. If you look lemodus operandides terrorists who occupy the north of Mali, these are people that you thwart ds commit acts of violence in areas of peoples. Doncfaireen so that he must not have ny dinfiltration or multiplication of cells dormant. Deuxime the tape, accomplished New York, desolliciterformellement

laidede rgionale in our organization, the Economic Community of States dAfriquede LOUEST [Cd ao] African of the Union [AU] of the Union EUROPEAN [EU] and our friends such as France and the United States and our security detransmettreau Council international military intervention query under Chapter all the presidents 7 of the UN Charter. After voting, RESOLUTION give lgitimit anyone willing and able nousaccompagnerdans libration north. Phase Two will continue with meetings of the government to the international community to mobilisertoute devoirqui veutparticiper and how the libration of the north. The third stage is, with our partners, structureret solidifierlarmemalienne that must be the spearhead of this case. These phases Nont not need DTRE squentielles. all the presidents They can drouler all the presidents at the same time. The phase is quatrime reconqurir north. Then, finally, it will scuriser the rgions free fawn durable. all the presidents What is your schedule? Jespre queles dbats [on RESOLUTION] ds security vontcommencerau Council next week to what is adopted by mid-October . Every day that passes, we have more female, damputations, rape, dactes of barbarism in the north of our country.

The faster the resolution will be adopted, the better. And I am convinced that we have ds at a resolution of most of these thugs and bandits try Schapper even before things start srieuses. Only the most hardened remain. When esprez sure CADD send the quota of 3,300 men which promised dployer in Mali? Once RESOLUTION vote, we can immdiatementdemander the CADD dployer troops to help us scuriser sparation line between north and south. Because now l just after the vote, belligrants north and the drug traffickers will sedire Mali will never be as weak ending for soldiers vontvenir strengthen our weapon so if we really want luinuire, cest o time ever. Therefore the strength of the CADD is almost ready-for deployability all the presidents immdiat dsladoption the RESOLUTION. Hillary Clintona estimated queseul government dmocratiquement will be read at a resolution lgitimit pourparvenir ngocie in northern Mali and mettreun all the presidents term r rebellion. Is it not a sign that the United States all the presidents is opposs international intervention? What would the elections lgitimit dun prsident

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