Friday, October 19, 2012

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Refresher-what the "Kyoto Protocol" was actually? The "Kyoto Protocol" is an agreement of Lnder this earth. It aims to ensure the global climate. It was negotiated in 1997 at the international climate conference in the Japanese city of Kyoto from the representatives of each Lnder and also adopted. So that's also the name of the protocol "Kyoto". So far, 156 countries have signed this Agreement. When does the Kyoto Protocol into force? ngo In order for the Kyoto Protocol could enter into force at all, had two important conditions must be introductory services. At least 55 countries that have made a total of more than 55% of Kohlstoffdioxides from 1990 into the air, had to sign the agreement. Only in 2002 was this condition, with the signing of Ireland, the 55th Join introductory services. One of the biggest polluters sign the report. To the three big polluters of carbon dioxide Ausstoes next EU-Russia miter and the U.S.. The U.S. under the frheren Pr President Bill Clinton

signed indeed, have the law in their own country but not enforced. This turnaround fhrte almost to failure of the Protocol. But after zhen negotiations, the Kyoto Protocol was on 16 Occurred in February 2005 with the accession of Russia last year (November 18, 2004) finally entered into force. The Kyoto Protocol everything Heie air? The States have agreed to less greenhouse gas than even auszustoen in 1990. Total to year 2012 5% less greenhouse ngo gases are blown into the air. That the target can be achieved, the Lnder have different requirements that abhngen level of economic development of each country. This has resulted nmlich that the EU must reduce carbon dioxide Aussto ngo by 8%. Russia and Ukraine drfen ausstoen no more greenhouse gases than in 1990. The People's Republic of China, India and the Entwicklungslnder have no Limitations at all, they drfen us continue as before. But some states, like the U.S., Australia and Croatia have signed, but want to application of the agreement in their Lndern. Another problem with the implementation of the protocol is that many of the acceding Lnder have erhht Aussto their carbon dioxide since 1990. Thus the aim of the ursprngliche Industrielnder reduce the carbon dioxide content gerckt ngo dramatically into the distance. What is the Climate areas coming? Basis of the Kyoto Protocol is the Kilimarahmenbereinkunft (also called Climate Change Convention), which was signed by almost all countries of the world. In order to commit the participating Lnder Aussto reduce the greenhouse gas significantly by the year 2012. These greenhouse gases are considered to be the causes for the global Erwrmung and are grtenteils on us zurckzufhren people. But since not all states have the same carbon dioxide Aussto, ngo sets the Kyoto Protocol, as to much carbon dioxide each country must reduce its Aussto to 2012. What is the goal? With the signing of the Kyoto Protocol, the Lnder have now committed to take action against the climate changes in the world. But what are the requirements in detail? 1) The Schadstoffaussto must be reduced, ie the Lnder commit to superior to corrective actions to reduce the Schadstoffausstoes. 2) Frderung forestation 3) research and development of new and renewable energies and umweltvertrglichen technologies, such as solar energy, hydro or wind energy. Afforestation is the planting of trees with the aim heranwchst a new forest. Often the reforestation serves

as a recovery frheren, disappeared due to deforestation or afforestation Sturmschden. Among renewable energy sources, these having unerschpflich. Unerschpflich this means two things: either the existing amount of energy is so great that it can not be by human use erschpft (eg solar energy) or renewed (eg biomass) in many processes ngo of himself on earth, man can use this energy in the form of wind, hydro, and Erdwrme sunlight for energy. What are allowances? We Erklren it with an example: an investment ngo in a country spits out a smaller amount of greenhouse gases, then a different country, the more carbon dioxide is released into the air, buy up the savings and thus emit more greenhouse gas than agreed in the air . Everything that is saved

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