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personally by blog author Aramata, andreas_fecke franz forensic translation including by co-author and friend, Africa News Archive traduction francaise - en bas - par co-auteur et ami andreas_fecke THE DEAD WILL BE HONORED, the survivors GETRSTET - Homage la personne dcde, consolation pour ceux qui restent
The day before yesterday in the early hours of the death of my older brother big sister Sega - he was already more than 10 years with diabetes, but now fallen into a coma and not wake up. Sega, who works as a nurse, had accompanied him two days in the intensive care unit of Hpital home affairs marital status Point G, and the siblings of Sikasso and Zgoua - not far from the border with the Cte d'Ivoire (Elfenbeinkste) - had already arrived. The funeral will be held in Mali, normally in the Muslim Lndern, instead of always very fast, here it was the same afternoon. This means that only those present and participate in the residential environment ends at the funeral knnen. In this case one hut and waited another day for the arrival of two sisters from Paris or the U.S., but the flights are not lieen. They will come later, in 1, 2 or 3 months.
Go to the cemetery only Mnner after they prayed and talked Segenswnsche, the women sit together in the yard and keep vigil until the deceased is buried, and the Mnner are again back to results. There are also Todesflle where the Imam hlt a speech, sometimes even a long proud.
The women sit on steels that have been taken in haste by a lender, or dichtgedrngt on mats, which are spread on the ground. It is not talking, or not - it's home affairs marital status not prohibited, as I knew from the childhood of the church. Yesterday came back and again in light wind, which makes things ertrglicher (I had already been to a funeral where there was hardly any shade, and even less wind, but you can not get away). Dress code does not exist, anyway, yes, every mourner was surprised, only it is essential to wear respectful home affairs marital status GroES, a cloth on their heads. In between were small Wassersckchen distributed or given a cup around. In between, there arose one or the other woman and said something about the deceased, home affairs marital status or about his wife and their bravery. The end was in common cite the first three suras of the Koran, and then adopted the Trauergste by the Ange YEAR OLD still said some Segenswnsche that mge Allah forgive home affairs marital status him, that he should feel sorry for him that he mge bring him into Paradise. And soit lui que la terre lgre - the schnste wish that you can have a dead Fri, in my eyes: mge that the earth be light on him.
My inquiries, as a Muslim is buried revealed: the deceased is wrapped in a sheet and so carried to the grave (in lngeren distances to the cemetery, there are also car transport - is he died abroad, he will be flown home in a coffin) . He will be buried on the side. Facing east, toward Mecca while the cloth is removed from the face. Also there are bndictions spoken Segenswnsche. The women go to the grave when the funeral is over, or on the following morning, in all Frhe. There flieen the tears no longer inside. These visits are repeated, preferably on Fridays.
Today is the third day: one says le jour du sacrifice. The family will re-Supports all abkmmlichen mourners, from 6 to 8 clock. These people are also mssen bekstigt, there were beans with meat and bread for Frhstck. Likewise, all who pass by, for example, the (school) children of the neighborhood home affairs marital status - see picture - and those who still spend the day here - was last night slaughtered a sheep. home affairs marital status Finally home affairs marital status I get to do what can, peeling tons of onions.
As families are big and you are connected with many families, there is often a funeral. The obligation to participate will be respected in the workplace, then you have to stop at a funeral, everyone understands the employer.
C'tait avant-here home affairs marital status aux premires lueurs home affairs marital status du matin, que le grand frre de ma "grande soeur" (africaine) Sega nous Quitta. Plus de dix ans durant il a t diabtique, rcemment il est tombe au coma, sans plus rveiller se. Sega infirmire, de profession, l'avait Accompagne home affairs marital status de ses deux derniers jours, la station d'urgence av l'h
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