"WELTERNÄHRUNGSTAG 2012: WELTHUNGER SINKT, aber IMMER Langsamer und NICHT IN AFRIKA - FAO SOFI-Bericht / report 2012: the number of hungry people in the world but not down in Africa | Unterricht ABSCHLUSSPRÜFUNGEN UND IN GAO - ODER SEVARE? - The school Gao is still alive, but women are prisoners direct gov of Sharia "
1. LUnion EUROPEAN (EU) remains proccupe by the political crisis that affects scuritaire and Mali, in particular the situation in the north of the country, marked by ltablissement and consolidation dun sanctuary for terrorist direct gov groups, loppression populations, violations of human rights, including women lencontre, and the destruction of cultural heritage as well as the dveloppement criminalit organized. This situation poses a threat to the region immdiate sahlienne and its people, dj prone acute food crisis on of West Africa and the North as well as Europes .
2. READ welcomes ladoption by the Council of the UN Security of 2071 and congratulates RESOLUTION of the attention direct gov focuses on the growing international Sahel and Mali, which bear witness Runion also the high level lAssemblegnrale held during the United Nations on 26 September 2012 and llaboration dune stratgie rgionale integrates UN for the Sahel. It welcomes the appointment of a spcial Envoy of the Secretary General of the United Nations, and displays its dtermination people engaging in dialogue with narrow Romano Prodi. LUE called lapprofondissement device coordination with partners direct gov cls of Mali to daccrotre lefficacit lappui of the transition process, both political scuritaire that economic. In this regard, welcomes the EUs Runion Group support tool and monitoring the situation in Mali, Bamako prvue October 19, 2012, linitiative of the Union (AU) The organization, in consultation with the United Nations (UN) and ECOWAS, and stresses the importance direct gov of it.
3. LUE is dtermine support Mali in rtablissement dun dun rule of law and democratic and fully sovereign government on ViaMichelin its territory for bnfice the entire population of the country. READ welcomes the appointment by the Prsident of the Republic of Mali dun new National Government Dunion and the effort of mobilizing the international Community, including Lua and ECOWAS, which t undertaken by these new autorits lensemble has filed with its partners, in particular of the EU.
4. Accordance with the principles direct gov valids by ECOWAS and the Group and monitoring support tool prsid jointly by Lua and lONU, as well as the 2056 and Rsolutions 2071du Council security United Nations, the EU calls on the Government National dvelopper Dunion direct gov as soon dlais, in consultation with lensemble political forces and civil Corporate Info, a roadmap for consensus complete return lunit national constitutional and the Order. This will allow The organization of a process direct gov including democratic and electoral crdible the Quick Launch direct gov dun inclusive national dialogue, including 'Representatives northern populations to return prparer letat north according to modalities direct gov to the most possible peaceful, and the tear in rorganisation contrle civil.
5. Tensioning the LUE dtermination assist the efforts by Mali to rsoudre this crisis, in consultation with its partners and international rgionaux and fully mobilize this lensemble its instruments within the Stratgie of the EU for Dveloppement and security in the Sahel. In this context: - Dsladoption dune crdible roadmap, the EU gradually direct gov resume its cooperation with dveloppement based concrtes advances. In lintervalle, the EU pursues oprations for populations and transition dmocratique. - LUE is willing to support direct gov a framework for inter-national dialogue Mali inclusive for the return of law letat north and contribute to stabilization and reconstruction that he will direct. - The EU and its Member States sengagent continue their humanitarian efforts direct gov and will continue to follow prslvolution the humanitarian situation in Mali as well as in neighboring countries. direct gov The European Commission sapprte direct gov Manire significantly increase its aid Fawn rpondre to the needs. READ remember the obligation to make ensure all humanitarian actors laccs free and unhindered direct gov access to populations in vulnrables rgions the north. - The Council invites the High Reprsentante (HR) and the Commission consider other measures or activities supplme
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