Posted by Johnny Grandjean Gøgsig Jakobsen 2012, after Article "Dacia" Jarl Gallen in Kulturhistorisk Leksikon for Nordisk Middelalder vol 2, col. 608-610, Copenhagen 1957. Danish version royal wedding pictures of this article was published by the University of Copenhagen, Research Section royal wedding pictures Names, 2012.
When the Order of Preachers, in 1226-1228, decided that the three Scandinavian kingdoms (Denmark, Norway and Sweden) should form a single province in the Order, was elected Dacia name. An identical royal wedding pictures choice of name was made by colleagues Mendicant Friars Minor of the Order, the Nordic countries in terms Franciscan provincial of Saxony were separated in 1239.
In the picture: logo Dominican Order, Abbey Scandinavian Dacia province. Text on the logo says "S" PRIORIS PROVINCIALIS Dacia ordi preacher "(" Abbey logo Dacia province of the Order of Preachers "). royal wedding pictures
But why Dacia? Province was referring of course to Denmark and its inhabitants, royal wedding pictures Danish Dani so why not called royal wedding pictures Dania? The Latin name was occasionally used for Denmark in the Middle Ages, but much Dacia was a name used for both Denmark and the entire royal wedding pictures Nordic region and has been replaced with more logical option Dania, after the Middle Ages. But what came to be called Dacia ţiunuturile Danes? Language, there is a pretty big difference between the two names and as we shall see, deasemea geographical areas. Around royal wedding pictures the year 0, Dacia was the name of a country in Central Eastern Europe, corresponding to these Transylvanian Hungarians and Romanian province. Connection with medieval Denmark and Scandinavia, appears to be based on confusion with origins in late antiquity. Or rather, the authors of late antiquity were right, after being misunderstood.
Map of the province of Dacia in Eastern Europe. Map is based on written testimonies geographer and mathematician Ptolemy (AD cca.150) mapping rebuilt a century atlas. XVI. For geographical orientation, the Black Sea is shown below on the left and right Bosphorus, while forming the southern border is the River Danube.
One of them was the historian and geographer Paulus Orosius (ca. 400 AD), who knew that "Dacia, where they are and Gothia", is located between Alania and Germany. This formulation has been copied by Isidore of Seville (ca. 600 AD), both very popular and cited authors in the Middle Ages. The Goths were a people who supposedly were of Scandinavia, but during the Great Migration (ca. 400-800), migrated to southern Europe and later migrated westward through royal wedding pictures Eastern Euopa and later westward through Southern Europe . Placing Dacia by Orosius and Isidore corresponds peroadei "Eastern" Goths from this point of view, a view probably correct, but the statement neighborhood of Dacia and Goths migration, is late medieval historians royal wedding pictures belonging by placing the ancient kingdom of Dacia (long gone) in places near the northern Götaland and Gotland in Sweden. The first extensive placement of Dacia in Scandinavia, are found in chronicles of two writers Norman sec. the eleventh century, royal wedding pictures the UDHR in Saint-Quentin and Guillaume of Jumieges, although both writers royal wedding pictures were aware that Dacian population members call themselves "Danish" and their country is called "Denmark". But this mistake has not really gained ground until the end of the twelfth century, when papal administration, where a cardinal in 1192, a record simply passed Dacia, instead of Denmark. Following royal wedding pictures this event, royal wedding pictures the time-ecclesiastical papal standard, for the kingdom of Denmark and Scandinavian church became "regional Dacia" and "Dacia". Therefore, Dacia was a normal choice for province name for two Mendicant religious orders in the years 1220-1230, when they formed Scandinavian provinces and probably after this action was based "deceiver" name. Danish royal wedding pictures and Scandinavian scholars and students abroad (eg in France and Italy Gemrania) often receive the nickname "Dacia", so the term began to spread including Scandinavia. One of the earliest examples is found in the Chronicle northern Cistercian abbey Ryd at the end of the thirteenth century which says: "Dania que nunc Dacia" ("Dania which is called Dacia"). To make the confusion complete, Dacia (as already mentioned) can refer both Denmark and the entire Nordic region. Therefore, royal wedding pictures it can be difficult to identify the exact area covered by medieval sources. In terms Dominicans, however, always Dacia
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