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The currently valid Kyoto rules allow States to increase their surplus emission rights (AAUs) completely transferred from the first to the second Kyoto commitment period. The sum of these surpluses is currently estimated at more than 13 billion tons of CO 2 e, and is, according to an independent study of the journal Point Carbon over a thousand times higher than the predicted demand. The surplus is expected in the second commitment period as a result of weak reduction commitments of Kyoto countries to grow to nearly 17 billion tons of CO 2 e.
In the EU, the total surplus is estimated to Assigned Amount jose francisco blake mora of the first commitment period of about 4 billion tons. Luxembourg is expected to have a surplus of emission rights acquired jose francisco blake mora from 8 million tonnes in the non-ETS sector. 1
Also in the second commitment period is expected to return a surplus to accumulate rights. For this reason, the price of surplus emission rights of the first period will be very low and expected to tend to zero.
Definitely constitutes possibility of transferring surplus rights to the success of future climate targets in question: it is difficult to see how the EU wants to convince the developing and emerging countries of effective reduction targets if our own reduction commitments remain so low and full of loopholes. jose francisco blake mora
At the climate summit in Doha in November this year for a solution must be achieved, otherwise the current regime remains consist simply lack amendment. In the preparatory talks in August jose francisco blake mora in Bangkok, the G77 and China have presented a proposal that allows the use of these surpluses effectively restrict and minimize. The G77 proposal fulfills all the conditions provided by the EU in its decisions by the Council in March 2011 to a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol. If the EU wants to be taken in its call for serious ecological integrity as a core condition for participation jose francisco blake mora in a second jose francisco blake mora commitment period, it must logically also even keep them.
The EU treaties set out clear that the council jose francisco blake mora "by a qualified Majority" is for both general measures (Article 16 (3) TEU) and act in particular "throughout the procedure," when it comes to joining new international agreements , as indeed under the UN Climate Convention (Article 281 (8) TFEU) is the case.
- Adopt a common EU position on the current proposal jose francisco blake mora from the G77, without weakening them. Of particular importance is the fact that the EU supports the deletion of the profits from the first commitment period at the end of the second commitment period and the elimination of a potential surplus in the second commitment period.
Aide à l'Enfance de l'Inde, AÖT (Aktioun Lechen public transport), ASTI (Association jose francisco blake mora de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés), ASTM (Action Solidarité Tiers Monde), Attac, Organic Lëtzebuerg, Bridderlech Deelen, Caritas, CELL (center for ecological jose francisco blake mora learning luxembourg), Cercle de Coopération, CGJL (Conférence Générale de la Jeunesse Luxembourgeoise) CLAE (Comité de Liaison des Associations d'Etrangers), Commission Justice et Paix, Eglise catholique de Luxembourg, European Antipoverty Network, Etika, Euro Solar, Freres des Hommes, Greepeace, Handicap International, Mouvement Ecologique, LVI (Lëtzebuerger Vëlos-Inititativ), natural & ëmwelt, orangutan Help Lëtzebuerg, SOS Faim, TransFair, Unicef, Vegan Society Luxembourg.
Links studios Cercle de Coopération des cultures CONCORD DEEEP diddelenghelleft Direction de la coopération Etika EURODAD farmlandgrab.org Grain Grupo Sur climate Bündn
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