On the morning of October 15, 1586, Mary Queen of Scots walked into the courtroom crowded, yet incredibly cold Fotheringhay Castle. Despite years of suffering the emotional and bodily, she continues to walk proud and pressed with a perfect outfit. Rheumatism which upset her so much lately accompanied this time by giving him pain if he wanted to ensure that she is not alone. Accompanied by her doctor, Mary goes to the throne which she believed is a sign of respect for his rank. In reality, ukraine eu however, the queen without crown is asked to step to the side, in the dock, while the throne was placed for her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I.
On 24 November 1542, English forces of Henry VIII defeated the Scottish army at the Battle of Solway Moss. All events at that time indicated that it would not be long before Henry would have snatched the crown of King James the Fifth. After such a defeat, distraught king of Scotland suffers a nervous breakdown and is slain in bed, so withdrawing the Falkland Palace. Suffering proud leader was so great that even the birth of his only heir did not help to recover. Birth of Mary, on December 8, 1542, two weeks after defeat, was for James a relief. The birth of the heir allowed the king to die at peace at the age of 30 years. Thus, the child will become Queen Mary and with her coronation will begin a new era. Mary was born prematurely and her health was so uncertain for a long time, it was rumored that the British court that the child died. Later, it turned ukraine eu out that rumors arose only to please Henry. In fact, Mary has recovered sharply, followed nine months, on September 9, 1543 she is crowned at Stirling Castle chapel, surrounded by three nobles who were used to the throne and wore his behalf, crown , scepter and sword. ukraine eu Young age of the new leader of the Stuart family made British attacks to stop. King Henry VIII felt compelled to withdraw its troops, believing that it was an act unjustly if he had attacked a country ruled by a child. However, his plans to conquer Scotland had not been set aside. English driver new strategy aimed to amaze and to conquer his goodness Mary, in order to achieve a union between her and his son Edward, so you can connect the two layers. Thus, Henry begins to release from Scottish nobility whom he captured at Solway Moss, provided they support marriage between his son and Mary. However, having reviewed the offer king, the nobles of the court declines Scotland for a marriage to Francis, dauphin of France. In this way, the Scots chose their ally Catholic nation, a decision ukraine eu that was the pleasure mother Mary, Mary of Guise, whose marriage was, in turn, directed to cement relations between Scotland and France. Although ukraine eu Mary and Francis were children, they get married in the coming years, to unite the two nations. Meanwhile, however, the French role was to support and defend it against Scotland Henry changed their strategy and now try to intimidate the nobility. In order to induce Mary to choose Edward, Henry initiated a military campaign (which will end only with the death of King in 1547) called "the rough wooing" (Petit tough), where his armies burned crops and villages, sometimes attacking towns near the border. The attacks ukraine eu culminated under the leadership of King Edward VI, the Scottish ukraine eu army was shattered at the Battle of Pinkie Cleugh. Following the bloody event, deciding that Mary is sent away from British threats. Thus, on 7 august 1548, at age 6, she is on board a ship bound for France. Arriving French heaven the King of France, Mary is about to spend the best years of my life. Here, not only is protected and surrounded by luxury, but grows younger with her future husband who begins to love small. At age 16, Maria married Edward, who next year becomes King of France. Everything seemed to go smoothly, Mary's life was finally calm, which is why she believes that he can return triumphant in Scotland. Plans and quickly crumble when Francis, who was a sickly child is seriously ill. An old infection in one ear extends to the brain and the king died in 1560, less than a year after the coronation. ukraine eu Returning Home: start all evil from this point, Mary's life turns 180 degrees. In 1560 she returned to Scotland where, for
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