Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Norway: A

Eyes to the king "Cogito
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Norway: A
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Eyes to the king Posted: October 15, 2012 in Hai (from) Romania! Tags: mixer, whip, man, candidate charisma, christian living, contemplation, Denmark, Diaconescu, speech, beautiful, functional, carrion, impotent, swearing, irony, sailor, noble, blind, plagiarism, politics, nifty, King, romania symbol, Soren Kierkegaard, deaf, TV, ugly
Soren Kierkegaard was asked by the king of Denmark, Christian VIII, as he believes it should act a king. Kierkegaard replied, inter alia, that would be very good to be hated King (Christian VIII was a very nice man). Then, he said, should be deaf and blind, or at least behave as such because that would solve a lot of problems. And I should talk too much, even should a speech that standard to use in any occasion, so an empty speech.
It's hard to say whether poverty cycle Kierkegaard does nothing but to be ironic, because the irony was one of his main concerns. Ironic or not, have admired the courage shown. But more than Kierkegaard's courage should be admired king who asked for asked.
I suddenly became interested in politics. Politics is just a corpse that stinks and that's all. But if I were to express my political option, I might go for a King without poverty cycle hesitation. A king, although functionally impotent, would still power and charisma that only a symbol can have. That would be something, something that maybe able to emanate some rays, whether timid, lazy cloud common sense through the politics of Romania, for example. Instead of a sailor who swears like a whip or a shaker to shake a plagiarist him down to the sailor, I was there on the top, into which a noble look. And appears to be a law of nature that we are transformed by contemplation. Maybe, poverty cycle if occasionally appear on TV would a king who would have a serious discussion with an intellectual, Diaconescu would have less guts. In any case, would have the opportunity to run for president and were

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