Friday, October 19, 2012

In the Climate turk konsoloslugu rotterdam and Energy Fund, the Ministry put the emphasis this year

Klimaerwrmung knnte frben AustriaÕs lakes red
The Ministry of Environment has to buy carbon credits to 160 million euros in order to avoid fines of at least 600 million euros due to the Kyoto Protocol. "The price is now up to five euros per tonne of CO2 very a convenient, We need to act now," said Environment Minister Nikolaus Berlakovich said Wednesday at a press conference. He prsentierte auerdem Fri corrective actions in 2012, the climate and the frdern "Austria bring the energy self-sufficiency Nher" should.
The Climate Change Kyoto Protocol air in 2012. Austria msse stand at present rebuy 32 million turk konsoloslugu rotterdam tonnes of CO2 equivalents to the reduction commitments pursuant erfllen Kyoto Protocol, the Ministry of Environment. Especially in the economy, is the traffic and the Raumwrme Austria "not on target turk konsoloslugu rotterdam path" regarding the CO2 output, said Berlakovich. The 160 million turk konsoloslugu rotterdam euros in wrden emission in "green investment scheme" invested so Fri climate projects in Europe.
For the corrective actions in the Austrian climate policy the minister to a "Triple-E" strategy, put nmlich Energietrger renewable, energy efficiency and energy turk konsoloslugu rotterdam conservation. For the program "Umweltfrderung in Germany", which is aimed at companies and municipalities, 90.2 million euros for Verfgung. Gefrdert be about investment in renewable Energietrger, LED lighting or Mobilittsmanahmen. Focus solar energy
In the Climate turk konsoloslugu rotterdam and Energy Fund, the Ministry put the emphasis this year on solar energy to be gefrdert turk konsoloslugu rotterdam with a total of 38 million euros. Of these 25.5 million accounted for photovoltaic systems Fri households, four million to about 100 square turk konsoloslugu rotterdam meters and GroE solar systems on five million solar thermal systems for heating water in detached quality hotels. 3.5 million will be invested in the region model program.
With five million euros, the conversion from old wood lheizungen is gefrdert on central heating systems. On energy efficiency of 100 million Fri thermal turk konsoloslugu rotterdam renovation of the building Verfgung. The Frdervolumen Fri the climate and energy model regions are maturing mountain community where offset projects turk konsoloslugu rotterdam implemented turk konsoloslugu rotterdam is extended turk konsoloslugu rotterdam to three million euros. Bicycle and electric cars are gefrdert
With traffic program "climate: active mobile" with 8.25 million euros to about pushing the bicycle or programs turk konsoloslugu rotterdam are funded to save fuel. One million euros in the model regions Fri invested electric mobility, which about the purchase of electric vehicles should be supported.
Saving energy should be promoted in particular through information and awareness. For your business and areas of energy, transport, and agriculture by the end of Mar Raumwrme Manahmenpakete had been worked out, Berlakovich. Should be available by mid-year review of the corrective actions.
Berlakovich: E10 will not cause world hunger | 18.09.2012, 14:21
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