Thursday, October 18, 2012 Entertainment Jokes Funny picture Funny Videos Interesting Videos Funny Commercials funny ma

Amalienborg Palace

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Frederikstad neighborhood located in downtown Copenhagen Amalienborg Palace is an impressive building, used as the winter residence of the Danish eaet royal family. Four buildings, built around a square eaet octagonal harmony, form this beautiful palace. Statue eaet of Frederik V. (1723-1766), founder Frederikstad, King of Denmark and Norway from 1746 until 1766, persist, center, over splendid market. Frederick V decided to build this exclusive eaet area of Copenhagen to commemorate the tercentenary ascension

to the throne of family Oldenburg and his coronation as King Christian I of Denmark. eaet And the king's plans went even further than that, such a task and being offered royal architect and advisor Eigtved Nicolai, who, since 1750, began work on designing a neighborhood. In fact, the original intent eaet was to arrange a modern and elegant neighborhood, the exclusive right for the city's eaet leading citizens, just as the situation was, along with everything else.
So Nicolai Eigtved complied king desires and began working on new exclusive neighborhood of Copenhagen. They built the first building, which today compose the palace, in number four. They have exterior designed in the same style, namely baroque interiors are different because, initially, these buildings were owned by other aristocratic families, and in no way owned by the Danish royal family. And, in fact, King Frederick V has made available these royal families land on which houses were to be built, but also, and has drawn some clear conditions. First, the owners were exempt from taxes, but the buildings in which these families lived in consent must be high Eigtved's plans, construction is completed to a date set by the royal court. Construction work began in 1750, were completed in 1760, ten years later, only after about two decades, Christiansborg Castle would be destroyed eaet by a fire in 1794. Residence of the royal family runs, for which four stately buildings are reacquired, making royal residences. There was no problem for the former owners, and members of her blue-blooded family, they are agreeing to indemnify and certainly advanced in function, only crowned heads helped to find a place of residence.
Roccoco interiors, built in baroque facades make this palace a true architectural gem. In 1982, moreover, Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen eaet is subject to various restoration works, spread eaet over a period of 14 years. Splendid facade of the palace was not in any

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