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1.1. These rules define how to use registered users. 1.2. The rules do not replace or limit the effect of the current legislation of Ukraine. 1.3. Users are registered users of the site, including the moderators and administrators. 1.4. When you register on the site and published margit sandemo in sections of the site requires user specified in the Rules of rights margit sandemo and responsibilities. In case of disagreement with these Rules shall immediately terminate the user registration and publication in the site sections 1.5. These rules are introduced margit sandemo to create a comfortable and constructive communication and users use the site If you are not satisfied with the established form of communication, to recording and publishing site sections
2.1. User access to the topics and sections of the field performed using a unique registration name (login name, nickname) username and password. Identity of the user is based on the registration name (login name, surname) of the user. 2.2. The user selects margit sandemo a single login (username, nickname) public access to registration and password. 2,3. During registration, margit sandemo a user must provide true, accurate margit sandemo and complete information about yourself on the issues proposed in the registration form and keep this information up to date. 2.4. Management reserves the right to take measures to stop the use of login names (user names, nicknames), if its use violates generally accepted moral and ethical standards margit sandemo or offensive to other users. 2.5. Do not record names (user names, nicknames), similar to those that already exist, if it can be confusing to other users. 2.6. If the user provides incorrect information or the website of the Authority has reason to believe that your information is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, the site administration
3.1. The user places his own message, information margit sandemo documents, photographs and audio-video chapters and sections of the site 3.2. The user can send a message, information documents, margit sandemo photographs and audio-video chapters and sections of the site only after the site. 3.3. Topic Title (message information) should be informative, most clearly reflect the content of the problem, the question (which) aims to highlight the user. 3,4. Before creating a new theme (message information section), the user must ensure that it creates in the same subject, and make sure that the problem (question) has not been discussed before. Do not create the same themes (messages, margit sandemo information) in different sections margit sandemo and placing the same content in messages on various topics. margit sandemo 3.5. Message (information) must be written correctly, Russian margit sandemo or Ukrainian. 3.6. All activities associated with placement of messages (information, photos, etc.) must comply with the laws of Ukraine, the generally accepted standards of morality and communication network. 3.7. It is strictly prohibited:
- Placement margit sandemo of disseminating information that contradicts the current legislation of Ukraine and international
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