Saturday, September 29, 2012

Refers to the privileges and exemptions members

Except ... Many kindergarten children living in the province. Positions for records there, so mothers seek - in vain solutions ... Figures published king iii by, king iii Attica shows that wealthier mothers with normal family situation did not work (that is, 10.04, 11.11, 15.33, 16.28 or points) were ... Good luck and their children admitted to kindergarten than, for example, single mothers or low income workers king iii with disabilities who are unfortunate enough to live outside the basin. The same data from the municipality Rhodes, about 1,500 mothers, mostly working with 40, 50 or more than 60 molecules remain outside, at the risk of losing their job or ... their child when they have to leave it somewhere ... Within two to three children in Attica One of two in Thessaloniki Among a total of 22,309 applications submitted to the concerned mothers Attica, met 14 536 (65%), while around 20,332 applications filed Thessaloniki concerned mothers completed king iii only 10,117 (50%). Features are a few examples in the table below Attica approved applications for private kindergartens king iii molecules: Yes, the Regional Association of Municipalities of Central Macedonia (PEDKM) and individual municipalities, such as municipalities and Crete Heraklion Ioannina talked about these injustices . Indeed, king iii said PEDKM risk violating the terms of the contract and ate Greece king iii "bell" of the European Union. AMPELOKIPO-MENEMENI tables announced EETAA research found that municipal kindergartens benefit Municipal Corporation Municipal Ampelokipon-Menemeni (sunlight, weeds, train), mothers with more molecules 59.50 57.38 by 56.96 by 56.11 points, selected king iii as runners. East Macedonia and Thrace Approximately 1,400 mothers king iii were left outside of EETAA of free childcare places and KDAP Region Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. Western Macedonia mothers about 1,300 were left outside EETAA. In Dodecanese Dodecanese approved very few positions in relation to those required by the mothers. But even for those few places left to mothers with several molecules. Board negative note EVIA Evia Prefecture, after 435 children were left outside king iii kindergarten. Specifically, municipal kindergarten mother Karystos with 54.17 points fail to join. Thessaly extremely unequal treatment in childhood and KDAP found in Thessaly, and approximately 1,100 mothers were left outside EETAA. Indicative rejected, mothers with 69.72 points king iii in the prefecture of Magnesia. Kilkis from 694 mothers of Kilkis submitted only 285 were approved, 41%, while the corresponding rates in the prefecture of Kavala is 89% in Zakynthos Prefecture 86% and 80% of Messinia. It seems that the criteria for allocating seats in the county are irrelevant and does not take into account the real social needs of applications made mothers. In Kilkis, even mothers with 48.15 and 48.11 molecules are runners. Cyclades intense resentment caused by the allocation of posts for free kindergartens Cyclades king iii Prefecture. 342 children were admitted to the program and meet the requirements. Fthiotida king iii 432 children living outside.
* # 160;
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Giannis Economou attended the conference "Languages ​​in Europe"
Data collected alarming KEELPNO
Refers to the privileges and exemptions members
Coup that never happened
Today, 4:25 p.m.
Shame to kill for a car, eating very few years in prison .....

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