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Lawyers representing a British Prince William and his wife Kate, intend g20 2012 to go to court in France to ban further publication of photographs of a naked wife of the Prince, reports the BBC Russian Service. In addition to the royal family lawyers intend g20 2012 to seek compensation from the French magazine Closer, who first published the photo of the future queen topless. "We can confirm that the French prosecution department will be transferred to the criminal proceedings, on the subjects of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, made during rest and published in violation of their right to privacy"
- quoted by the official report of the palace of St. James's, RIA "Novosti ". A representative of St. James's Palace, the official residence of Prince William, said that formal
legal proceedings will begin on Monday 17 September, when filing papers. After the French prosecutor decides g20 2012 to hear the case as a civil or criminal. With Kate Middleton acted like every other celebrity Meanwhile Kate Middleton topless g20 2012 pictures have already appeared in The Irish Daily Star. In this editor Mike O'Kane said that interest in the Duchess of Cambridge, is due to the fact that many see as a world celebrity, respectively, as a celebrity for her attitude and the media. "The Duchess is no different from all the other celebrities that images that we can get, whether it's Rihanna or Lady Gaga, not Queen of Ireland, and the only people who are upset with this story, it's g20 2012 Kingdom." g20 2012 - O'Kane said, stressing that the rest of Europe in the incident calmly. O'Kane also noted that his newspaper published topics in the reader's attention. "That was part of the royal family, she is one of the images the most, and suddenly decides to get naked on the balcony, which is visible from the road. Currently, she is shocked and unhappy Palace Increased interest g20 2012 in this story. Pitch, people will be interested "- he added. However, representatives of the royal family are convinced that "the g20 2012 only motivation was greed photo sharing." The images will not stop "even personal call from the Queen" However, Irish and French g20 2012 tabloid magazine not only cause resentment g20 2012 issue Buckingham Palace scandalous photos published g20 2012 and the Italian magazine Chi, belonging to the same media economy that gives French Closer. The owner of the holding company's former
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. In a special 26-page edition, which was released on the 17th September, 50 were explicitly g20 2012 Photos tanned Duchess of Cambridge. In this case, the publication states that only in their possession is 200 scandalous images. Exclusive matter personally and spoke Editor Chi Alfonso Signorini. As he wrote in his microblog, no restrictions on the British Crown was not. However, "even personal invitation from the Queen" is not stopped him from publishing photos of Kate Signorini assured. "I am confident that this number will be Chi on Monday, as promised. These photos are not offensive or a sign of bad taste
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